**Includes spoilers**
The screaming of millions of fangirls (and fanboys) was finally heard during the premiere of ninth season Supernatural. It began on Oct 9, and even though it is only three episodes into the season, Supernatural is showing a promising (and heart wrenching) future for the rest of the season.
Just as always, the Winchesters have found themselves in trouble, that once again could lead to the possible demise of the earth and reign of hell. Except this time they have no angel to zap them out of trouble, only a geeky AP student Kevin Tran, or as he might refer to himself Kevin “Solo.”
The first episode came out on Oct 9 and ended the six month hiatus of the show. Of course there was little to celebrate, as the episode started with Sam in the hospital recovering from the last turn of events in season 8.
At this point it might be the repetition of death and then coming back to life, that made Sam in the hospital seem a little repetitive, but what do you expect from a show where the main characters have died over 100 times.
As they try to hunt down Abbadon, find Cas, and save each other over the course of 3 episodes, the Winchesters spend most of their time running from angels and demons and everything in between.
The introduction of new characters and even extensions of characters briefly introduced in season 8 gave season 9 a nice refreshing start. Some characters left the fandom with some uncertainty on whether or not to trust them, and Ezekiel is probably the best example of this. After being constantly betrayed by characters the fandom thought it could trust, there seems to be a feeling of precaution before investing trust in a character so early into the series.
Then we have Abbadon, the new villain in town. Quite different than Dick Roman, Crowley, and even Lucifer in the sense that she is sly, tactfully violent, and even respectable in this sense that she sort of left fans of the show going “You go girl! Please don’t kill anyone I love.”
We also can not forget the little ex-angel Cas who got his own time to dimly shine in the third episode as he wandered the streets alone, cold and often hungry as he clumsily figures out what it is like to be human.
Aside from the characters, props to the writers for making a horror show in which most of the screaming comes from the viewers as they yell at their TV set. The clearly thought out events link to each other beautifully, despite the fact that they create quite the tragic storyline. Each moment seems important because of the fact that it could be a big part of something to come later, just like Abaddon’s appearance in the the men of letters episode created what seems like a major role is season 9.
Overall supernatural has really once again showed fans the great development its capable of in a mere three episodes. Supernatural airs every Tuesday at 8 P.M. so anyone interested in letting an overall masterpiece of a show slowly consume their lives is welcome.
By Karla Santana